Discerning Mr/Mrs Right-Part 2
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the concluding part of this edition. In the first edition, we established three important things women should consider when looking out for their future husbands. This week, we shall focus on three “must-have” characters/attributes men should look out for when choosing their future wives.
As a Man, These Three Must be Found in Your Future Wife:
- Help Meet: This was God’s primary reason for creating the woman. The Word says: … It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him (Genesis 2:18). A woman is to help her husband and family become what God has destined for them. As you unfold your vision to her, watch her responses: Are they positive and encouraging? When you need assistance in doing little things, does she readily volunteer herself as much as she can? If the answer is in the affirmative, then that is a pointer she will be a great help meet in the future.
- Vision: Many times, a woman’s destiny may be tied to her husband’s destiny. So, it is always good to know what vision God has given to the woman. I know for a fact that no man wants a woman to be a liability but an asset. Therefore, listen attentively to what her dreams, plans and aspirations are. Just like I advised the women, you should also ask questions to know if the coming together of your lives will be effective.
- Submission: A wife’s primary duty to her husband is to submit. If she is not submissive to you, wisdom demands you end the relationship. She should be willing to work on herself, or both of you should not be together. Please don’t deceive yourselves with the “it is not a big deal” mentality. The things that don’t matter now will definitely matter in your marriage. Ladies, if you don’t see yourselves submitting to whoever you want to marry, please let the men find someone who will. If you go ahead with it, you are only heading for all manner of challenges in the future.
Please understand that submission is not as big a deal as people make it out to be. Those with a full understanding of it are living in peaceful homes all around the world. It is not about being a slave to your husband; it is about reverencing him and giving him room to exercise his God-ordained leadership. The definition of submission is to willingly come under the authority of another person; it has nothing to do with culture or traditions but with the Word of God. Unfortunately, many have misused what God intended to be a blessing for their gratification. Therefore, understanding is what matters. The Word says: … Give me understanding, and I shall live (Psalm 119:144).
However, the first step to finding the right spouse is salvation. So, if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, please say this prayer: Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now, I know I am born again!
Congratulations, you are now born again and a child of God. He loves you and will never leave or forsake you. With this, you are guaranteed all-round rest and peace, in Jesus’ name! Please write or call to share your testimonies with me through oyedepofaitha@gmail.com OR 08141320204.
For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian Bookstores: Single With A Difference, Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage work, Building a Successful Family and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored with Bishop David Oyedepo).