
How to Handle Family Challenges- Part 1
Dear Reader, Welcome to this beautiful new era, where new opportunities and doors shall open for you financially. This month, we will be exploring How to Handle Family Challenges. According to the Oxford Dictionary, challenges are defined as difficult tasks that test somebody’s ability. So, handling family challenges from the definition above can be said […]

Digging Your Family Garden (2)
Dear Reader, Welcome to the concluding part of this edition. In the last edition, I explore the place of digging into God’s Word to establish our desires for our families. Today, I shall examine The Realities of the Covenant of Marriage. Many people, including Christians, have a misconception about marriage. Some think it is just […]

Digging Your Family Garden (1)
Dear Reader, Welcome to the month of August. I pray God delivers your desired miracle and testimony this month in Jesus’ name! In this edition, I will reveal some very vital secrets for a successful family life. Therefore, I shall be examining Digging Your Family Garden. The first assignment ever given to man was to […]

Dear Reader, Welcome to the sixth month of the year. I trust you have been tremendously blessed by all my teaching series since the year began. This month, I will be examining Family Retreat. Let us begin by understanding what a family retreat is. A family retreat is the coming together of every member of […]

Wisdom is key in Handling Family Challenges PT 2
Dear Reader, Welcome to the concluding part of this edition. In the previous edition, I lighted on wisdom, the builder of every successful home and how to acquire and apply it. This week, I will examine some practical examples of challenges in the home and how to solve them. One of the pronounced challenges in the home is […]

Wisdom is key in Handling Family Challenges -PT 1
Dear Reader, Welcome to the month of May. Peace and blessing in the precious name of Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit, in this series, I will be sharing ways to apply God’s wisdom in handling challenges in your family. This week, I shall examine the topic Wisdom is key in Handling Family Challenges. […]

Enemies of Family Success – Part 2
Dear Reader, Welcome to the concluding part of this teaching. I believe you now have a better understanding of the things that are against the success of your family, and you have decided to take appropriate action. This week, we will continue with the topic, Enemies of Family Success. Let us examine two more enemies […]

Enemies of Family Success – Part 1
Dear Reader, Welcome to this exciting month of April. I pray God perfects all that concerns you and your family, in Jesus’ name! This month, we will be exploring Enemies of Family Success. What is Success? Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Recording success in your family will be determined by the […]

Dear Reader, Welcome to the concluding part of the series. Last time, I examined the PUBERTY STAGE, and as parents, I believe you now know that this stage is exciting, not frustrating, and as teenagers, you have started embracing this stage with an open mind to learn and be guided. So, this week, I examine deeper Understanding […]

How to Handle Family Challenges- Part 1
Dear Reader, Welcome to this beautiful new year of divine surprises, where you and your family will flourish no matter the hard times that hit the world in Jesus’ name! This month, we will be exploring How to Handle Family Challenges. According to the Oxford Dictionary, challenges are defined as difficult tasks that test somebody’s […]

Dear Reader, You are most welcome to this glorious moment, in the presence of the Almighty God. As you pay rapt attention concerning your family today, I see God taking your home to the next levels in Jesus’ name. This week, I shall be teaching on, The Family of God. The Father and Jesus have, […]

Handling Family Challenges- Part 2
Dear Readers, You are most welcome to another interesting edition of these series of teachings. Previously, I started a teaching on the topic: Handling Family Challenges. I also defined some terms and gave example of the challenge of un-forgiveness and how to properly handle it in the family, simply through unconditional forgiveness. This week, I […]